I went again to the doctor and she sent me to the specialist the next day. I was put on intravenous anti-biotics and steroids for the next five days. I was prescribed corticortizone cream and analgesic as well. A friend came over and gave me a cream from a company called mannatech. I am at a point where I am willing to try anything. He gave me a cream called Firm and one called Emprizone. I have not slept but 2 to 3 hours a night and he asked me to apply the cream to see if it would help. I took the Firm first and it really stung, but after about five minutes it soothed my burning sensation. Later on when my head began to really hurt again I tried the Emprizone. It stung so bad I almost fainted, but after the sting something happened that none of the other products had done, the prickly feeling and pain on my scalp was reduced to almost feeling normal. It was like a miracle. I have been doing what the doctors want concerning the infection and what now, but I am using the Firm and Emprizone cream. It really did something that gave me a sigh of releif. Thankyou Lawrence Nadrofsky from Mannatech.
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